Guest Policies



Golf Shop                                                                                                                                                                                  (507) 665-6293

                  Open ½ hour prior to the first tee time

                  Closes at 6:00 p.m.

*practice facility closes 1 hour before sunset, and at 2:00 p.m. every Monday

Head Golf Professional – Greg Jamieson               (507) 665-4250

Clubhouse & Restaurant                                                                                                                                                     (507) 665-2291

Kitchen Hours

  • Will be updated When season is in full swing.

    **hours and availability subject to change for special events; reservations are suggested to guarantee seating


Pool is available to Members of LeSueur Country Club and their accompanied guests.


Club Management can provide more information. 


Please observe “Country Club Relaxed” attire in the restaurant and on the golf course and practice facility. Men’s and ladies’ tops should include a collar or finished edge. Denim pants are acceptable in good condition at the discretion of Club Management. Gym and swim attire is not acceptable other than in the pool area. Shoes are required other than in the pool area; and should not allow for damage to the grounds.


Cellular service is limited in our location. Free wi-fi is available in and around the Clubhouse.


  • Any operator must have a valid driver’s license
  • Carts are permitted on turf unless course conditions restrict their use. Handicap flags may be issued for special circumstances at the discretion of Club Management. Please contact the Golf Shop to determine if restrictions exist during periods of excessive rainfall.
  • Keep golf carts at least 30 yards from any green (do not pass white lines), 30 feet from any bunker, out of native areas and away from steep slopes.
  • Obey all cart traffic signs.
  • Please be considerate of our course and keep your cart exposure to a minimum. Scatter when leaving paths. Do not drive in areas of compacted turf.


A beverage cart will operate with sufficient play. Play passes the Clubhouse after hole 9; please keep your turn brief. **No alcoholic beverages may be brought to or removed from the property.**


Choosing the appropriate set of tees is encouraged for your enjoyment and to maintain a suitable pace-of-play.

Our recommendation based on your average driver length:                        Men              rating/slope      Ladies                       

  • Less than 190 yards Red tees                                                                        3/118                                    72.8/125
  • 190 – 230 yards White tees                                                                            8/122                                    74.5/129
  • 230 – 270 yards Blue tees                                                                               7/129                                    78.9/137
  • More than 270 yards Black tees                                                                    7/132                                    80.3/141


Keep pace with the group in front of you (not in front of the group behind you). Foursomes should play the course at 4 hours and 12 minutes or less. Foursomes playing within pace may allow faster groups through, but are not required. Foursomes playing slower than pace should make every effort to play faster or skip holes; waving faster groups through when above pace should be done only when it will not affect additional groups.


  • Yardage markers and sprinkler heads measure to the center of greens.
  • Penalty areas are defined by red and yellow stakes. Out-of-bounds is defined by white stakes.
  • Restrooms are located at Hole #3, #5, #12, #14 & #16
  • Drinking Water is available on Hole #5, #7, #13 & #15
  • Thank you for replacing your divots. Use sand bottles whenever possible. Repair pitch marks by gradually pulling turf toward the center (never pry up). Repair your mark and at least one other on each green.


Locker rooms and showers are available. Lockers and club storage are available to Members of LeSueur Country Club. The Club is not responsible for lost or damaged personal property.


Golf Instruction is available by appointment. Contact the Head Golf Professional for more information.


Gratuities are permitted and appreciated by the staff.